Be a better ally to LGBTQ+ educators

Be a better ally
Support LGBTQ+ colleagues.
Do you seek out opportunities to connect and collaborate with your teaching colleagues? Most of us do. Teachers are social by nature—and experience has taught us that collaborating with our fellow educators helps young children thrive.
But, too often, LGBTQ+ educators feel isolated, marginalized or misunderstood in their school communities. Some may hide their LGBTQ+ identities because they worry about the consequences of coming out in states or schools that lack anti-discrimination protections. Others may be out but feel unsupported in the workplace and unprepared for the challenges that arise as they exercise their freedom to exist authentically in their professional lives.
How you can help? Click on the buttons below to build your knowledge and learn how to support LGBTQ+ colleagues in the workplace.
Ready to put your new knowledge into action? Find out how