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Looking for ways to engage your early learners in activities that promote acceptance, empathy and inclusion?
The activities in this section are designed to help young children learn more about themselves and each other as they become better friends and allies.
Here's more good news: Early Pride Matters activities are easy to integrate into your early childhood programming—and they even address common early learning standards!
All About Me
In this activity, children and adults will work together to create "all about me" materials to display and use in the classroom.
Asking About Gender
In this activity, children will explore how to ask others about their gender.
Be an Ally
In this activity, children will explore allyship and identify ways to be an ally to others.
Both and Neither
In this activity, children will explore familiar objects to learn about categories. In the process, they will discover that some things do not fit into either/or categories.
Celebrate Pride!
In this activity, children will explore the many facets and meaning of Pride.
Create a Family
In this activity, children will explore various kinds of people figures and combine them in a variety of ways to create different types of families.
Dress-Up and Pretend Play
In this activity, children will engage in different types of pretend play as they select and try on clothing and explore other toys in the classroom’s dress-up area.
Exploring Empathy Through Doll Play
In this activity, children will explore a variety of scenarios that will challenge them to understand and identify with the feelings of others through pretend play with diverse dolls.
Expressing Our Feelings
In this activity, children will learn how to express their feelings so that others can understand and respond appropriately.
How Friends Care for One Another
In this activity, children will learn about caring and friendship through everyday interactions and activities in the classroom.
Standing Up Against Harm
In this activity, children will use doll play or puppet play to explore scenarios in which a character experiences exclusion or another form of harm—and then problem-solve ways to respond assertively.
The Colors of Pride
In this activity, the children will learn about the meaning of Pride colors and explore how colors can represent other things such as feelings, ideas and concepts.
Understanding Our Feelings
In this activity, children will learn words associated with different feelings, as well as how our bodies help us understand what we are feeling.
What is Gender?
In this activity, children will learn about the ways that people name and express their gender.
What Makes a Family?
In this activity, children will explore and talk about the many forms of families.