How to be an ally to LGBTQ+ families

happy parents and child selfie at the beach

ACROSS THE COUNTRY and around the world, LGBTQ+ people are under attack. Hundreds of hate-fueled laws are proposed each year. Now is the time to demonstrate your support and allyship at every level. Here’s how:

Take Personal Action

  • Take time to get to know the families you serve.
  • Learn about and implement these anti-bias education principles and practices.
  • Commit to learning about and implementing these anti-bias education goals and practices.
  • Continue building your knowledge about family diversity.
  • Personal action can have a ripple effect. So spread the word! By speaking up, you’ll lighten the burden on LGBTQ+ families to educate others—and encourage the children and adults in your early childhood community to be better LGBTQ+ family allies.
    • Share what you learn with colleagues.
    • Challenge the preconceptions and biases of others.
    • Encourage children to engage in gender-expansive play.
    • Address the concerns of Rainbow families (e.g., they may worry that their children will be targeted in some way)
    • Prepare all young children to accept, support and defend their classmates, regardless of their identities, as they move into K-12 settings.
  • Stay informed about local and national laws and policies that support or restrict LGBTQ+ rights and consider how this legislation affects the Rainbow families in your community.

Take Local Action

  • When you plan events for families, plan them with LGBTQ+ families in mind.
  • Request LGBTQ+ inclusive books from your local library. You’ll save money and raise awareness of the need for these books in your community.
  • Plan informal community-building activities such as family nights, picnics or field trips. These activities will give families an opportunity to get to know one another in a relaxed and supportive setting before assumptions about their diverse parenting journeys take root.
  • Participate in community-building activities that bring diverse voices together to address local issues that affect everyone, such as safety, bullying, etc.
  • Show your support for Rainbow families at school and community meetings.
  • Attend and lend your voice and support to local LGBTQ+ rallies.
  • Challenge local officials to better support LGBTQ+ people.
  • Remember that every voice counts! Use your voice and vote to stand with LGBTQ+ people in local, state and national elections. Contact your representatives to support legislation that protects LGBTQ+ families and challenge legislation that harms them.

Take National Action